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ReGenesis runs on a crew of 15 volunteers. Each of these volunteers has a specific role, which are described in detail below.

Swapping Roles

At the end of Friday night, Saturday morning, and Saturday night, there will be a brief crew meeting to gather feedback and check things are running smoothly. If you are having any problem with your role, you may use this opportunity to swap with another crew member.

We strongly recommend that, if you are crewing, you prepare for more than one role. You are likely to find your experience of the event more rewarding if you can enjoy some variety.

First Event

During the Friday night of the first event, the Geomantic tables are not in operation and no Petitioners will arrive. During this time:

  • The NPC Petitioners will be given a specific plot role, then serve as a special role (Apparition: Training Drone).
  • The Apparition: Geomantic Tables roles should be there to answer questions on the process and rules of Geomancy.

Role Briefs

NPC: Petitioner (4 Openings)

During the course of the event, mortals will arrive at the Nexus to praise, lobby, or beg the character whose Territory they come from. You will be playing a succession of these over the course of the event, using briefs given to you by the NPC Orchestrator.


  • To help the players feel a sense of ownership over their Territory and its inhabitants
  • To bring the events of geomancy to life
  • To make the players feel big and important

Pre-Game Responsibilities

  • Read the wiki and familiarise yourself with the game world. You do not need to learn any of the rules around geomancy, or shaping. You only need to learn the combat rules if it is the first event.
  • Pack as many styles of plain costume (fantasy/contemporary/futuristic; muted colours; no accessorisation) as is practical.

Game Responsibilities

  • Receive spoken briefs from the NPC Orchestrator, and ask them about anything you’re unsure of.
  • Change into a suitable outfit for the brief, and have a mark painted onto your brow.
  • Use the brief to play a Petitioner who will seek out the character who owns their Territory, and interact with them in a way that serves to bring recent events to life.
  • Return after no more than thirty minutes, to debrief, relax briefly, and receive a new brief.


  • Improvise details about your Petitioners’ lives or recent events that are in line with the brief.
  • Tell the NPC Orchestrator if you would rather play a different brief.
  • Ham it up a bit.
  • Come back earlier than 30 minutes if you think you’ve done what you need to do.
  • Take breaks when you get tired. Rapidly changing characterisation is mentally exhausting.


  • Contradicting your brief or arguing with the NPC Orchestrator about it. Tell the Orchestrator if you do not like your brief, and you will be given a different one.
  • Competing with player characters for attention. if in doubt, give them the limelight.
  • Asking or telling the players to take specific courses of action. By all means say “please save us from this plague blargh” but not “please use a Rearm Quality to remove this effect and challenge Lord Badwrong to an Affront”. What shapers do, and how it changes the world, is completely ineffable to you.
  • Any interaction with shaping, affronts or geomancy. These are the tools of the gods, and you are mortal.
  • Spending more than 30 minutes in play with each brief. As you approach this point, you should roleplay increasing confusion, forgetfulness, and homesickness. By 30 minutes, the only thing your Petitioner can think about is an instinctive desire to leave the Nexus and return home.

NPC: Orchestrator (Filled)

David Elliot Mumford

The NPC Petitioners report to the NPC Orchestrator, who has creative control over how they are briefed.


  • To coordinate the efforts of the NPC Petitioners
  • To help make the crewing experience of the NPC Petitioners rewarding

Pre-Game Responsibilities

  • Read the wiki and familiarise yourself with the game world, the character pages, and the descriptions of all of the Territories. You do not need to learn any of the rules around combat or shaping, but an understanding of geomancy will be an advantage.
  • Imagine what kind of people would live in each of the Territories; make notes if possible.
  • Pack a vaguely monk/sifu/ninja style costume in muted colours.
  • Bring a laptop and/or writing materials to maintain your Orchestrator’s log.

Game Responsibilities

  • Observe the Geomancy tables and use events there to come up with briefs for Petitioners.
  • Deliver briefs to NPC Petitioners and clarify as necessary
  • Receive debriefs from NPC Petitioners and use these to foster new ideas
  • Update the Orchestrator’s log with basic details of each brief given.


  • Try to create one brief for each player’s Territory each event. You should have more than enough time and people to do this.
  • Elaborate on the descriptions of Territories and Qualities when creating your briefs where you think this will add flavour.
  • Have fun with your ideas, and take breaks to observe play when you get tired. The NPC Petitioners will have the chance to have breaks or create simple briefs for themselves when you’re not active.


  • Designing briefs to create specific outcomes. ReGenesis is a sandbox game, and we do not want to lead via plot. Petitioners are there to provide colour and excitement.
  • Telling an NPC Petitioner that they have misportrayed a brief. How they bring them to life is to their discretion.
  • Interacting with players while at the Geomantic tables, or giving them hints about what effects will result.

Apparition: Training Drone (Special)

Bastion: TBC Edge: TBC Keystone: TBC Tempest: TBC

On Friday night of the first game, the NPC: Petitioners will report to the Affront grounds to serve as Training Dummies. Here, they act as a practice team for players to challenge in Affronts.


  • Help players become familiar with ReGenesis’s combat system

Pre-Game Responsibilities

  • Learn the combat system.
  • Learn the abilities of the Affinity role you have been assigned.
  • Bring suitable props for the Affinity role you have been assigned.

Game Responsibilities

  • Accept Affront requests from players and fight them as though you were the opposing team.


  • Roleplay your stunts and actions mechanically but clearly. You are soulless constructs of the Nexus, which can be flavourful in its own way. Your vocals for a Stunt may, for example, be “Initiating Ranged Attack Stunt. Five Seconds Must Pass. Stunt Completing. YOU: HA!”
  • Work through requests for Affronts in the order they are made.
  • Make very mechanical light conversation if players attempt to interact with you in any other way.
  • Take breaks together wherever necessary; you may be fighting repeated battles, which will be exhausting.


  • Showing any personality or motivations beyond your function. You are an automaton that vaguely resembles a person.

Apparition: Affront Grounds (2 openings)

The Affront grounds provide a space for players to hold formal duels, and is looked after by two Apparitions. This role suits people with a strong presence and a good mind for rules and procedure.


  • Maintain a schedule for Affronts.
  • Ensure the procedure for Affronts is followed.
  • Ensure that combat rules are followed.

Pre-Game Responsibilities

  • Learn the combat, Affront, hex and hextwister rules in detail.
  • Pack a vaguely monk/sifu/ninja style costume in muted colours.

Game Responsibilities

  • Receive notice of new Affront declarations from the Nexus Apparitions, and add them to the schedule.
  • Manage ‘friendly’ matches outside of scheduled battles.
  • Announce and guide participating players through the Affront process.
  • Monitor Affront combat and adjudicate any disputes.
  • Manage the process of exchanging Hexes and Hextwisters.
  • Update the schedule with the result of the Affronts.
  • Responding to players questions about combat or Affront rules.
  • To refer players to the appropriate Apparitions for other rules questions.
  • To receive complaints and discuss them with the Head Apparition.


  • Use your powers to mute, KO, or exile characters that persist in disrupting Affronts, or are breaking rules.
  • Take turns with your fellow Affront Ground Apparition to be the active announcer; the other can observe and double-check. This will help you retain focus.
  • Coordinate with your fellow Affront Ground Apparition so that you can take a break if you need one, while leaving at least one person present.


  • Showing any personality or motivations beyond your function. You are an automaton that vaguely resembles a person.

Apparition: Geomancy Tables (2 openings)

The Geomancy tables store all information on the Outworld, and allows players to change it during Cycles. It is looked after by two Apparitions. This role suits people with attention to detail and a fondness for strategy games.


Pre-Game Responsibilities

  • Learn the Geomancy rules in detail.
  • Pack a vaguely monk/sifu/ninja style costume in muted colours.

Game Responsibilities

  • Responding to players questions about Geomancy rules.
  • To refer players to the appropriate Apparitions for other rules questions.
  • To receive complaints and discuss them with the Head Apparition.


  • Use your ability to mute anyone who is being persistently disruptive.
  • Use your ability to exile anyone who pushes in queue.
  • Take turns with your fellow Geomancy Tables Apparition to be the active announcer; the other can observe and double-check. This will help you retain focus.
  • Coordinate with your fellow Geomancy Tables Apparition so that you can take a break if you need one, while leaving at least one person present.


  • Showing any personality or motivations beyond your function. You are an automaton that vaguely resembles a person.

Apparition: Shaping Tables (2 openings)

Apparition: Nexus (2 openings)

Apparition: Photographer (1 opening)

Apparition: Head (Filled)

Mercury Locke


  • To act as a point of escalation for any issues
  • To assist the smooth running and coordination of game systems
  • To ensure other crew responsibilities are being upheld